34 weeks pregnant and I know that I'm not going to finish my Junior year of High School, I have now came to the decision that I'm going to get my GED so that I can pursue my life long dream. I know this isn't what my family wants, but it's what I feel like I have to do. My baby's daddy Tyler, or my soon to be husband on the 12th of January, and I have discussed me going back to school and every other option there is out there and we feel as if daycare is too pricey and that we don't want our child attending it until he has a very very VERY good vocabulary under his belt. You hear too many bizarre things happening at day cares and I really don't need someone else raising my child some other way than my way.
I know that I should return, but I made a decision to lay down, and so now I have to make sacrifices and give up things that matter the most to me, and along with that come the matter of friends. Alot of people can me misleading and fake, as I have learned the hard way of course, which leaves you to pick out the good seeds from the bad. As I have learned the hard way of doing this too, you have to make decisions based on if that's someone that you want to have around your child. It's not about how cool that person is, or if their wearing today's fashions or not, but if that's going to be the type of person to ditch you because you can't go to Friday night's party because you have your baby, or if when your child's older and starts talking, if their going to be respectful enough to choose a better vocabulary when he or she is around.
It's been very hard for me to do this because I was the girl who partied, I was the girl who wore all of the name brand things, and then all of a sudden, I'm the one who has to look at life through what seems to be an adults eyes. All of things that you think matter so much when you're a teen, doesn't matter so much when you're a parent, when you have to grow up because you're growing a new life inside of you. You have to look at what's going to be the best for you and your child from the moment that you know that he or she is coming and on. It's a huge change, and if I could have my childhood back, don't think I wouldn't take it back for one second. But now, I wouldn't take anything over my child that will be here soon.